A review by bookbybook
This Is What It Feels Like by Rebecca Barrow


This took me way too long to finish because I had a very draining two weeks, but it was so worth the wait! I love a good book about music bringing people together, and all my worries going into it were for nothing!

I could gush about these characters for ages. The three different perspectives transitioned seamlessly, and it was still easy to hear the differences in their voices. The whole plot outlined in the description sort of implies three girls are going about the same journey with just one being the outcast, but holy moly did the author absolutlet knock it out of the park with making sure every character was going through something unique. Even the side characters had personality that is so true to life. YA contemporary often fits in the box a little too perfectly, so I loved the changes in this.

Plus the writing just had such good flow! The individual plots weaved really well with the main goal of their band getting bac together. Overall really lovely.

also we love when a main teenage character in a contemporary has a happy ending without getting into a relationship!!