A review by bradley_jf
Children of Dune by Frank Herbert


I'm surprised by how well the story has held up, considering that it was written in the 70s.

I need to reread the part about the transformation in the desert, because I'm not sure how or if that really fit into the story's world. It felt more like magic than science or evolution.

The author describes patterns of human activity that repeat over eons. He approaches the idea that people need to stay connected to the immediacy of life and human nature. Somehow, the story strikes me as being anti-technology and a call for people to be spiritual but not religious.

SpoilerThe end of the story gave me some ideas about Shai-Hulud. Unless I really misread things, the goal of the Dune story is to describe replacing the big worm or driving force below the desert, which makes me wonder if this is a repeating cycle that has happened before.

Herbert draws heavily on various religions in the creation of his universe, so a circular conception of time and the embodiment of "divinity" in an actual character whose existence becomes the literal and spiritual foundation for galactic civilization would be right up his alley.

The scale and complexity of the ideas the author is tackling grows in each new Dune book. Some people may not like it or understand a lot of it. I know I didn't when I tried to read these books at 13, but they are thought-provoking and fascinating to me now, 27 years later and being much more well-read.