A review by lmb1011
The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna


This was a fantastic debut novel and I understands its praise. It takes a unique perspective on a lot of more difficult topics and creates a really interesting fantasy world in which to explore them.

That being said - it wasn't totally a book for me NOW. High School me - absolutely would have loved this. and I think it is a fantastic YA book. Just happens to be a YA book that adult me didnt totally mesh with.

If you're interested in this story I definitely think you should check it out - its an easy read (though definitely check out trigger warnings since this does cover a lot of darker topics. the only one off hand i can think of is off-screen rape but theres certainly more)

This has a really delightful cast of characters, a unique ... should we call it magic system?, and a lot of religious trauma that makes it a fun world to explore