A review by brittmariasbooks
The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars, Part One by Michael Dante DiMartino


Reread 2018 5 stars
I wonder if it is better to judge these Avatar comics over all the three volumes. However, for a first act, I think Turf Wars Part One sets up the plot of this trilogy pretty nicely (I hope since I don't know how it will continue).
There are several things going on. The comic picks up immediately at the moment the show ended. Korra and Asami's vacation in the Spirit World is so nice. The art of Irene Koh captures the scenery of the Spirit World very nicely. Overall, Koh's art is great!

SpoilerI also love it when Kya talks about how the LGBT+ community is seen over the years in the all the four nations. I love it is not perfect as Michael Dante DiMartino once said in an interview since it reflects our world more.

Tokuga as a villain is still very mysterious so I do not really know what to expect of him.