A review by ergative
The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy by Megan Bannen


What a delightful, weird, imaginative story! The world-building was surprisingly rich for a non-epic fantasy romance, and the touches of absurdity---like the nimkilims, especially, but also the amphibious cars and equines---felt charming, rather than arbitrary and odd. The characters meshed extremely well together (the friction points of Mercy's family in particular were really fun) the dialogue was entertaining, and everything about the business and politics and skullduggery around the Undertaking trade was very well-constructed. The romance plotline itself was a bit predictable, in part because it adhered closely to the genre conventions of romance, but also because it was so closely based on 'You've Got Mail' (except with competing undertakers rather than competing bookshops) that certain plot points were visible from the start, like skyscrapers soaring above the cloudbank on a foggy day. I knew they were there, and how they structured the cityscape, but it took nothing away from the pleasure of exploring the streets.