A review by booksbythewindow
Kalpa Imperial: The Greatest Empire That Never Was by Angélica Gorodischer

For full review: https://booksbythewindow.wordpress.com/2019/05/01/kapla-imperial/

Summary:  In many ways, using the word ‘novel’ to describe Kalpa Imperial doesn’t seem quite right: a short story collection would maybe be a better description, but again that doesn’t quite cover it. There is a through-flow in Gorodischer’s narrative in the idea that the reader is listening to the storytellers as they divulge the interesting tales from the Empire’s past. Just as someone growing up in an Empire with such a long and rich history would have these scatterings of stories from the past with perhaps little context around them, so the reader becomes a child, listening to these stories and piecing together the importance of their history.

Overall Thoughts:  In Kalpa Imperial, Gorodischer has created one of the most intriguing fantasy novels that I have ever read, with impressive world-building that spans centuries and yet never feels overwhelming. For a relatively short read, made up of relatively short instalments, the tales told by the storytellers bring to life a vast empire that is constantly changing.  There is an interesting focus on power in the book, with the storytellers mainly sharing tales of Emperors, Empresses, and those with military power.  Overall, Kalpa Imperial was an absorbing read that took me completely into another world: the Empire that Never Was. I enjoyed the storytelling aspect of it, which reminded me of the oral tradition seen in folk and fairy tales and created a realistic world in which there just happen to be sorcerers in an empire that never existed. It was a fun and engaging book which I would definitely recommend.