A review by mackenzierm
Flawless by Sara Shepard


I really enjoyed Flawless which is the second book in the Pretty Little Liars series by Sara Shepard. It was a light and easy read. Shepard really had me going, I'm so intrigued as to who the mysterious A is! I find that this book had an even more Gossip Girl feel to it, what with the mysterious A knowing all and constantly blackmailing the girls; forcing them to do what she (or maybe he) wants. There is a significant difference between Gossip Girl and this series though, the A person doesn't make broadcasts to everyone, only to the girl who it's about.

I really like all the girls, they're interesting and they all have fairly realistic problems. Can't wait to read the next book, [b:Perfect|1651302|Perfect (Pretty Little Liars, #3)|Sara Shepard|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1186376798s/1651302.jpg|2191060].