A review by tessa_grayreading
Shatter Me Series Box Set: Shatter Me, Unravel Me, Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi


Tahereh Mafi is a great author. Seriously, her writing style is amazing and her characters three-dimensional, believable people.

I could stand exactly two of them and the rest... let's just say it took all my willpower to get through book two.

But let's start with Ignite me:
Again, amazing writing style. You see the world through Juliette's eyes but you also see how off she seems to the world. A lot of her background is kept secret because Juliette isn't thinking about it, is trying to not think about it. Part of her thoughts are cancelled out and I really liked that, the way Juliette is trying to protect herself and the outside world from her thoughts.
She's is terrified of what the world has become but even more so of herself.

Adam. Boring boy extraordinaire.
I seem to have something against semi-main characters called Adam... Whoops. Oh well.
I knew something was wrong with that kid from the moment he was shoved into Juliette's prison and I don't mean the plot twist in the first book.
Anyway, like any good love interest he's strong and tall and warm and has the most beautiful blue eyes and is gentle and "understands" her and *swoon* (I'm guessing that's the general reaction to that description?). Of course there's more to his story and Juliette's heart is being torn apart over whether she can trust him or not and yeah, never heard that one before. (I'm being mean. I'm sorry. I just really didn't like him or his effect on the people around him.)

Warner. You know those jerks who are always smiling like they know something you don't? That's him, only ten times worse.
Warner is a genius and a menace and he made the book sooooo much more interesting.
I've read some reviews before buying these books and everyone seemed to love Warner. Innocent me was so shocked because how could someone like this freakshow of a ruthless leader?
But after endless pages of Juliette crying and Adam being otherwise annoying, Warner became my favorite character. I like strong characters who are always ready to whip out a new character trait, even insane leaders with homicidal tendencies.

The rest of the book is kind of a blur because I read all three one after the other and can't seperate them anymore (thank Goodreads for this three book thingy).

By the way, Juliette's powers? Very, very cool. I'm not keen on touching people anyway but having superpowers? Hell yes!

Okay, on to book two.
Like I said, that one really tried to get me to quit but I'm glad I didn't.

Horny teenagers much?! If you thought the unresolved sexual tension in book one was bad (like myself) prepare for something else. The desperation to find a dark corner and do the do in both Juliette and Adam was... mindblowing? Also incredibly off putting. What would you do if you JUST escaped from a life-long prison sentence, JUST got away from the aforementioned insane leader with homicidal tendencies, JUST survived another attack on your and your boyfriends life and, finally, JUST found a place where there are other people who have powers like yourself, who can tell you all about the past you've missed out on, who are basically a giant underground facility filled with revolutionaries?
Exactly, you put all your energy in trying to bang your boyfriend.

Which is where I'm going to critize the world building. I get that Juliette apparently wasn't interested in figuring out what exactly was going on with the world and the Reestablishment, but it did feel wrong for her to not ask for proof when Castle told her that the world was, in fact, better off than they thought. Or for her to never again show any interest in why she has the power she's so afraid of.

And the second character I liked: Kenji. Such a lovely, funny guy who doesn't take anyone's shit. Least of all Juliette's. He was the one who always called her out and helped her grow. I'm very glad they became best friends, they're good for each other.

There was also some action in this book but not enough to outweight the star-crossed lovers stuff and Juliette's near constand crying and inability to get better (both psychologically and powerwise).

The reason I'm glad that I didn't stop reading is Ignite Me.
So much action, finally, FINALLY badass and strong Juliette, so much Warner (though I have to admit I was kind of sad that he's really just a good guy in disguise and that Juliette made him so much less cool).
Since it's Juliette, there was still some (a lot) emotional garbage and reasoning but she eventually found the right guy and the wrong guy turned into DEFINETELY the wrong guy (called it) and even though it ended kind of before the real action probably would have started (what with taking over the world and such) it ended on a good note.
Also, so many gifts (or powers or however you want to call it)! Of course Warner's also the coolest in that department.

Sooo, to be honest, I have no idea how many stars I should give this. Ignite Me probably three. Unravel me... One? Two? I really can't say and it always pains me to give less than three stars because I know how much work, how much love, how much blood, sweat and tears go into a book like that and I feel really bad but it's just MY opinion and obviously most people loved the series but I really couldn't stand that book and.....
Anyway, Ignite me deserves four stars, so I think three overall is justified.

A last word of advice (let's pretend anyone is gonna read this): If you're thinking of reading these books, do it. Stay open minded, try to ignore your inner dislike of love stories and incredibly horny teenagers (I'm projecting, sorry) and just battle through the parts you don't like because you're not going to regret it.