A review by bookswithdes
The Big A.S.S. Party by Caroline Peckham


Max and Geraldine are my favorite couple behind bluelance and torydarius, so of course I loved this novella. It makes me so happy to know that max only wants Geraldine and will not give up on her. I can’t remember if their relationship progresses before ZA 9, but I hope they get their happy ending and hopefully get their divine moment 🫶. 

Favorite quotes/scenes:

“How about for tonight we just forget they exist?”
“I could sooner forget I had bosoms on my chest!”
“No chance of forgetting about those.”
“Oh you horny hornet.”

“Well if that didn’t wet my whistle, I don’t know what would.”
“Fuck, Grus, I have no idea why, but when you talk like an insane person it turns me on so goddamn much.”

“All I knew was that the sound of Geraldine Grus begging me to slip my shark into the dark was a million times hotter than a girl begging me to fuck her in any kind of conventional way.”

"What the fuck just happened?"
"We just got Grussed. You don't know what the fuck happened at first but once you get used to it and just go along for the ride, you'll find yourself having the time of your life."

Inside the box was a platinum charm bracelet with seven charms on it. One for each of the elements they possessed, air, fire, earth and water, another with the Gemini symbol on it, a letter G and an R.
"You had to go for Gwenadlina and Roxanya, didn't you? You couldn't just let that slide?"
"Not a chance. Unless you’d rather I call you shrew? That’s always an option.”

“Darius was telling her that he belonged to her and that he wanted her to belong to him in return. Even if the stars wouldn't allow that in a physical sense.”

“I'd never chased any other girl before, but you could bet your ass I chased her.”

“I couldn't get enough of this girl, I felt like she'd wormed her way under my skin like a splinter I never wanted to remove. I just wanted her to keep working her way deeper and deeper until she pierced my heart and stayed lodged there forever.”

"So give me that time. Two years. Two years of you and me to fuck and fight and fall in love and be all the things we won't be able to be once you walk down that aisle. Give me that time to try and convince you that that life isn't what you really want. We don't ever have to talk politics, we don't even have to tell anyone if you don't want to. Just let it be me and you, at least for a little while."

“I was going to spend those two years making her fall for me so hard that there would be no way in hell that she could ever give me up. Either that or I was setting myself up to have my heart ripped from my chest and crushed before my eyes. But she was worth the risk. So I was going to take it.”