A review by japhyryder
Wonder Woman: Earth One, Vol. 1 by Grant Morrison


Okay, yes, there are remarks made about American women's bodies - which I take as a segue into the idea that Amazonian women have been secluded for so long, they've become arrogant and prejudice against anything that is not theirs. This is book one, and I feel like it's setting up for a lot of education and growth in the following books, by Diana and the other Amazons. They practically announce this when Steve Trevor talks about people being enslaved.
Second, hi, thank you for finally and very casually announcing that at least some of the Amazons are lesbians. Say what you want, but this book took several leaps into diversity and representation in the WW universe. If you've read much WW, you know that typically the characters are a very stale loaf of white, straight bread.
Now we get a real sized girl who is proud of her body and throws it in the face of the Amazons who put her down, a poc Steve Trevor whose personal experience influences his treatment of the Amazons, and the recognition of something other than benign heterosexualality among a society of women.
Best, best new Wonder Woman, if you ask me.