A review by purplemoonmyst
Zombie by Joyce Carol Oates


my review

Y'all I am gonna be honest. When I was done with this book I was all like



I mean I have no words.

In a nutshell, the author Joyce Oates takes up inside a (fictional) mind of a sexual predator. I mean she NAILS it. At first, I had trouble reading because the writing was akin to a person who has trouble writing a basic sentence. Think of the boy in Room and you get the idea.

All I can say it is is a sick and twisted mindfuck of the book. If you have issues with people getting raped then killed and nothing happens don't read this book. This book should come with a warning sticker. And I generally don't even believe in warning stickers. I was just like OMG


Kayne West says it better than me. If you are interested in knowing how sexual predators think you would like this book. I mean the author really nails it on the head with this one. Other people, I am not too sure.

Read at your own risk

I am giving this book a 5 cause it may not be a pleasant subject matter but damn if it was not an excellent piece of writing.


 This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land