A review by shanehawk
习惯的力量 by Charles Duhigg


His Insight: 4 stars
Overall Book: 3 stars

A very readable book although it suffers from the “did this have to be a full book?” problem. His actual insight and advice are valuable and pragmatic, but could be summarized within 20 pages or so. In fact, this book is the perfect candidate for a service like Blinkist which breaks down nonfiction books into 15-minute summaries. Additionally, he does this himself at the end with his appendix. All of his ideas are put into an easy-to-follow guide for his readers to use in their lives.

I was surprised at the amount of filler despite enjoying some of the knowledge dumps. You’ll read about: Starbucks, drug addiction, Coach Dungy of the Buccaneers and later the Colts, Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycotts, Alcoholics Anonymous, creepy customer tracking of corporations, the history of some products’ advertising success, etc.

Don’t allow me to dissuade you too much. It’s a good product for what it is (a pop science/self-help book) and I’ll be a lot more mindful of my own habits. P.S. My lovely girlfriend gave me my copy for Easter 🙂