A review by ravensandlace
The King's Traitor by Jeff Wheeler

adventurous dark inspiring medium-paced
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


I didn't think that this series could get any better. But it does!

So this takes place seven years after the second book. Evie had to marry Iago, a ruler of a nearby kingdom as a message of peace between the two countries. Evie is happy and has two babies. Owen, on the other hand, is completely devastated. He refuses any and all proposals. He has Etayne, who has become his very best friend, to guard his heart and make sure he falls in love with no one.

Severn has completely lost it. He has become a monster. He kills people for no reason. He backstabs everybody and takes prestige and honor away for the smallest infractions. He still holds a special place in his icy heart for Owen. But even that is becoming strained. Severn actually reminds me a lot of King Henry VIII toward the end in the way that he becomes incredibly paranoid.

Owen is sent to a nearby kingdom to start war because Severn needs the land to start another war. He meets Sinia, who is incredibly amazing and crazy powerful. She is one of the most powerful Fountain blessed that I have read about. Owen realizes that his king is no longer the man he has served so faithfully. Sinia and him plan a way to get him to give up the crown so the rightful ruler, which of course I'm not giving away because it's a spoiler.

Just when I thought that there couldn't be anymore secrets and deceit, the list just keeps growing and growing. That is what hooks you on this book and the series. You want to find out what happens next. You want to learn about their secret.

It pained me to see Owen so heartbroken over Evie. Evie even told him to find happiness. She wants him to be happy but Owen is so miserable, he simply can't do it. Etayne would have gladly filled in that spot if he would have let her. For a little while, I was hoping that Owen would open his heart and love Etayne as someone more. But I'm glad that he didn't. Being friends with her works out better.

I am, however, totally supporting Owen and Sinia. She is so fascinating and if you read this book you find out just how powerful she is. Even though they only talked through letters and had met just a couple of times, she thaws Owen's heart. And before you say  oh, it's instalove. Gross! It is  not instalove. Everything gets explained as to why Owen and Sinia fall so hard for each other. And it actually makes sense. 

Now I can say that I'm totally excited to read the next book which unfortunately doesn't come out until June of 2017. This totally sucks and I don't want to wait that long. I am hoping it will be available on Kindle Unlimited but I'm not holding my breath. Until then, I will have to find something else to read that isn't another series. I have three series put on hold now. The suspense is killing me.