A review by thereadhersrecap
How To Fail at Flirting by Denise Williams


YAYY a romance!

How to Fail at Flirting follows Naya Turner, a childhood education professor and researcher at a local university who finds her job in jeopardy of budget cuts. Struggling with opening up after her previous abusive relationships, Naya throws herself into her work, throwing her social life to the wayside. Naya's friends determine she's in need of a distraction and convinces her to start dating again. Naya embarks on a night of no-strings-attached hookup propelled by a risque to-do list of her friends when she meets Jake. Jake is the perfect one-night stand, but plans go awry and Naya finds herself having intense feelings for him. Her one-night stand soon turns into her BAE. To make the situation more complicated, Naya finds out that Jake is actually head of the company in charge of determining budget cuts at the university. Naya wrestles with the love of her job, her past relationship, and her newfound lover.

"I wanted to be kissed like that again, like I was something special, something wanted, like I was... someone".

This book was one of my FAVORITES of May! I actually ended the month reading this book and I could not be happier about that, what a great book to end the month on. This book was oddly light-hearted and easy to read. It had the typically romantic comedy feel to it, but it also questioned many issues relating to domestic violence and the struggle victims face after "getting out" of the abusive relationship. In this book, Naya was confronted with her past violence in ways in which no survivor should EVER have to do. The supporting characters really emphasized the many different opinions of others in the face of DM, you have some women who looked at Naya like she was using sexuality as a means to "get ahead" in the workplace, not even knowing her full story. There were male characters, who watched from the sidelines, mouth closed, exhibiting no action whatsoever being complicit in her abuse. Then you have the characters who are supportive, and fiercely protective, and loyal. I commend Denise Williams and the multiple depictions of support to survivors of DV.

This book is a must-read summer read! Read it by the lake, pool, or beach. You won't regret it!!