A review by sephranix
Voice of the Gods by Trudi Canavan


I'm giving this book 2 stars, it probably rates 2.5 but I refuse to round up on this one. It was just sooooo slow, first of all, and I couldn't get behind some of the major character changes here. But I predicted the whole
Spoilerthe gods of the Circle and the Pentadrian gods are one and the same
business way back in book 1. Spoiler tags going forward because who knows.

SpoilerLet me just say first, that I absolutely hated Ellareen. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand why the gods chose her - she was a fanatic who didn't question anything they told her, and I can't stand that. I liked that Danjin was still around and that he was still thinking and worrying about Auraya, but the ending! Really, Danjin?? You weren't going to keep Auraya's ring to ask her about what actually happened to the gods? I know he's devoted to them, but that is so out of character.

What's next? I know we got Reivan's POV to see Nekaun and the Voices and all that, but what a useless character. He didn't give you creepy vibes, Reivan? The Voice you served, in particular, and all of the other Voices are being vocal about there being something off about him, and you just keep thinking about how you might love him? How were you surprised when he showed his true colors? So stupid. I found myself skimming most of her chapters. Give me more of the other Wilds and Emerahl instead. She was basically the only thing keeping me reading this book.

I don't even have much to say about Auraya here except that I'm glad she stopped being stubborn about the gods. She was a 'blah' character to me, a little too self-righteous at times.

Anyway, very disappointed in this series, will not read again.