A review by hall2020
In the Unlikely Event by L.J. Shen


Leigh did it again

I don’t know what cigar pants are but I picture them as kind of like cargo pant but instead of large pockets that can hold well cargo they have little pockets that hold cigars. I imagine objects, moments and even feelings as best friends also. I wouldn’t call summer my best friend, although I do love summer it leaves me for a few months every year so I wouldn’t consider it my best friend. Aurora you should probably go get some labs done, you might be cold all the time because you are anemic.
If Gina Davis isn’t dead where the hell is she? Also WHO THE HELL DRINKS VODKA AND DIET COKE IN IRELAND???
Let’s talk about Thailand, no wait more importantly let’s talk about elephants. They are amazing, I wish I had room to keep one in my house. You know they have course hair covering their body? It’s not all over, it’s sporadic. It’s like when you get laser hair removal on your pleasure place and a couple of years later it starts to grow back.
For a book that was supposed to be a tragic romance I sure did laugh a lot. But why don’t you find out how it went by reading the book instead of reading stupid reviews!
It’s fecking incredible.

I don’t know how to feel about the fact that a penguin has never introduced themselves to me.