A review by casparb
Of Grammatology by Jacques Derrida

This was excellent and insightful and complicated and I was a little terrified of it but it was entirely worth the time. The difficulty of Derrida's prose is endlessly complained about but I find it perfectly comprehensible once having adjusted - the secret is keeping in mind the first couple words of the sentence by the time it reaches its end (this is more unorthodox than it sounds).

So the notorious 'Derridean' sentences aren't so present as one might imagine. I did enjoy however: 'In the experience of suffering as the suffering of the other, the imagination, as it opens us to a certain nonpresence within presence, is indispensable: the suffering of others is lived by comparison, as our nonpresent, past or future suffering. Pity would be impossible outside of this structure, which links imagination time, and the other as one and the same opening to nonpresence'

A pleasant surprise to understand as much as I think(!?!) I did.