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A review by cavalary
Seneca despre libertate by Lucius Annaeus Seneca
[EN: (RO below)]
Received this booklet after volunteering for something, even if there was some confusion and I arrived when the work was nearly done. It's a selection from the Moral Letters to Lucilius and I just went through it quickly, so I won't comment much. There's little point to comment on the writing of something that's some 2000 years old anyway, though I will say that I don't care for the epistolary style either, and it's quite rambling at times.
Still, it is a philosophical text, and while proper comments about philosophy require far more time and attention than I'm willing to offer this at the moment, the fact that it's an effort to turn someone into a Stoic does make me say that I find most of the main tenets of Stoicism quite infuriating. There are some good parts, definitely, and some that are mixed, but there are also contradictions and fundamental concepts that, as I already stated, I find quite infuriating and rotten, starting with the core concept that inner happiness is what matters and it should be generated and maintained regardless of what happens, that external events must be accepted as they are, not seen as good or bad and not allowed to affect that positive state of mind. That bears a striking resemblance to the crap pushed by the modern professional mental health field, which blames the victims for not grinning and bearing whatever is done to them or the less fortunate for wishing to have access to the benefits that society should be able to grant and therefore discourages or even condemns demanding improvement.
Am primit aceasta carticica pentru ca am fost voluntar la o actiune, chiar daca au fost ceva incurcaturi si am ajuns cand treaba era pe terminate. Este o selectie din Scrisori catre Lucilius si doar am trecut prin ea rapid, deci nu voi comenta prea mult. Nici nu prea are sens sa comentezi legat de o scriere care are vreo 2000 de ani, desi voi spune ca nici stilul epistolar nu ma incanta, si cam bate campii uneori.
Totusi, este un text filozofic, si daca niste comentarii serioase despre filozofie necesita mult mai mult timp si atentie decat sunt dispus sa ofer in acest moment, faptul ca acesta este un efort de a face din cineva un stoic ma face sa spun ca majoritatea principalelor concepte ale stoicismului mi se par destul de enervante. Sunt si unele parti bune, absolut, si unele care sunt si bune si rele, dar sunt si contradictii si concepte fundamentale care, asa cum am spus deja, mi se par destul de enervante si nenorocite, incepand cu conceptul de baza conform caruia fericirea interioara e cea care conteaza si ar trebui sa fie generata si intretinuta indiferent de ce se intampla, ca evenimentele externe trebuie acceptate asa cum sunt, nu vazute ca bune sau rele si fara a li se permite sa afecteze acea stare mentala pozitiva. Asta se aseamana izbitor cu rahaturile promovate insistent de profesionistii din domeniul sanatatii mentale moderne, care invinovatesc victimele pentru ca nu suporta cu zambetul pe buze orice li se intampla sau pe cei mai putin norocosi pentru ca-si doresc sa aiba acces la beneficiile pe care societatea ar trebui sa le poata oferi si astfel descurajeaza si chiar condamna cerintele de imbunatatire.
Received this booklet after volunteering for something, even if there was some confusion and I arrived when the work was nearly done. It's a selection from the Moral Letters to Lucilius and I just went through it quickly, so I won't comment much. There's little point to comment on the writing of something that's some 2000 years old anyway, though I will say that I don't care for the epistolary style either, and it's quite rambling at times.
Still, it is a philosophical text, and while proper comments about philosophy require far more time and attention than I'm willing to offer this at the moment, the fact that it's an effort to turn someone into a Stoic does make me say that I find most of the main tenets of Stoicism quite infuriating. There are some good parts, definitely, and some that are mixed, but there are also contradictions and fundamental concepts that, as I already stated, I find quite infuriating and rotten, starting with the core concept that inner happiness is what matters and it should be generated and maintained regardless of what happens, that external events must be accepted as they are, not seen as good or bad and not allowed to affect that positive state of mind. That bears a striking resemblance to the crap pushed by the modern professional mental health field, which blames the victims for not grinning and bearing whatever is done to them or the less fortunate for wishing to have access to the benefits that society should be able to grant and therefore discourages or even condemns demanding improvement.
Am primit aceasta carticica pentru ca am fost voluntar la o actiune, chiar daca au fost ceva incurcaturi si am ajuns cand treaba era pe terminate. Este o selectie din Scrisori catre Lucilius si doar am trecut prin ea rapid, deci nu voi comenta prea mult. Nici nu prea are sens sa comentezi legat de o scriere care are vreo 2000 de ani, desi voi spune ca nici stilul epistolar nu ma incanta, si cam bate campii uneori.
Totusi, este un text filozofic, si daca niste comentarii serioase despre filozofie necesita mult mai mult timp si atentie decat sunt dispus sa ofer in acest moment, faptul ca acesta este un efort de a face din cineva un stoic ma face sa spun ca majoritatea principalelor concepte ale stoicismului mi se par destul de enervante. Sunt si unele parti bune, absolut, si unele care sunt si bune si rele, dar sunt si contradictii si concepte fundamentale care, asa cum am spus deja, mi se par destul de enervante si nenorocite, incepand cu conceptul de baza conform caruia fericirea interioara e cea care conteaza si ar trebui sa fie generata si intretinuta indiferent de ce se intampla, ca evenimentele externe trebuie acceptate asa cum sunt, nu vazute ca bune sau rele si fara a li se permite sa afecteze acea stare mentala pozitiva. Asta se aseamana izbitor cu rahaturile promovate insistent de profesionistii din domeniul sanatatii mentale moderne, care invinovatesc victimele pentru ca nu suporta cu zambetul pe buze orice li se intampla sau pe cei mai putin norocosi pentru ca-si doresc sa aiba acces la beneficiile pe care societatea ar trebui sa le poata oferi si astfel descurajeaza si chiar condamna cerintele de imbunatatire.