A review by gailygirl527
Dwell in Possibility by Ophelia Sikes


The instant connection between the main character, Katie, and her love interest, Sean was actually quite believable. Not believable ? That first love scene. I think its November or at least some time in fall, and there is just no way that anyone is having sex, outside, in New England at that time of year. Especially not some girl who barely dated in high school and then ended up in an abusive relationship through out college, because someone like that just wouldn't be that kind of sexually adventurous. Other unbelievable moments were some of Sean's behaviors during the development of their relationship. A single rose left on the pillow? A perefectly cooked morning after breakfast? Him knowing her favorite movie and arranging this over the top viewing at an abandoned drive-through theatre? Suddenly he's listening to classical music? The ridiculous behavior reminds me a lot of Christian Grey from 50 Shades. I don't even want to get into the fact that Katie grew up in a cop family, her father was in fact killed in the line of duty, and she just easily falls into this criminal element without batting an eyelash? It was totally okay for these guys she works for to run off and beat up on some OTHER gang members, but she balks at them running a porn operation??? Where is the chatacter consistency ??? I'm also a bit miffed that the gang members threatening her boss happen to be Cuban, and being as how this is set outside of Boston (a place known for having tense race relations) , I suspect slight racism...
Bottomline, I really wouldn't recommend this book to anyone. I'm really sorry too, because I really liked the synopsis and the beginning.