A review by selda
The Hurricane Wars by Thea Guanzon

  • Strong character development? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


My expectations were simply too high for this book. It started off great. I loved the world building and felt I was getting such a solid foundation and interesting magic and history. Yes it was a lot but that's fantasy and I'd rather have more than less world building as so many fantasy romances fail to give. Then the war abruptly and hastily ends?? It's the title of the book??? I expected it to span across 3 books?? Why title it after a war that ends so quickly? I feel like I was dropped at the end of the story. 

Then we move on to the romance. I love the idea of arranged marriage and nothing is better than with the literal Night Emperor YES. It wasn't the worst execution of the trope but it did feel jarring for Talasyn to only think about how much she hated Alaric to feeling conflicting attraction feelings? From where? It would have been one thing if she mentioned he was attractive when they met in a neutral way, because those feelings could grow but she didn't? So where did this attraction come from? What did I miss? It felt like every moment forward she would revert back to 'I hate him though' and I just think this could have been handled better so it wasn't so jarring. To me they were not really a slow burn, but everyone has different standards for that kind of thing. 

My biggest gripe is Alaric. His attraction makes more sense, but it's also quick. There's not much slow burn on his end he just likes her pretty quickly. Which is fine I guess but he's just a really defanged character. This is my fault. I really should not have been expecting a ruthless villain king, but I guess I couldn't help but hope. 

There are YA vibes in this book and that is also disappointing for an adult fantasy romance. 

Even though I didnt like the intro to the bedroom scene
why were they randomly fighting here? It really felt forced
I will give it to Alaric. What he said was good. Nothing crazy, but it was good and more in line with what I was hoping the vibe would be.
Talasyn in that lingerie was also a chefs kiss moment.

Some characters were flat and I wish they could have been fleshed out more but hopefully in the next book they will be. I also think the dragons will come back into the story more in the future and if so I think the setup in this book was great for that. 

My expectations have really dropped down to where they probably should have been to begin with so I hope I enjoy the next book more.