A review by rmtroyer93
Dead Beat by Jim Butcher


I hate to say it but the previous book, Blood Rites, dragged for me, however, I flew through Dead Beat just like I did with the first five Dresden novels. Dresden's world is expanding (which means there are more people in his life that can get hurt) he has Thomas living wit him, Mister his cat, and Mouse his giant otherworldly guard dog. I don't know why I love guard dogs in paranormal novels so much (they had some the Soul Screamer novels as well) but I do.

The twists in this novel are pretty awesome, many of them I did not see coming.

I've started to hardcore want Murphy and Dresden to get together, I've wanted it since book one, lol, that being said not enough Murphy in the book. I can't believe that I'm almost half way through the series, I love reading series with 15 or books in them because when you finish one the others are waiting for you.

I recommend all of the seven books of the Dresden Files I've read so far! :D