A review by bookmeanderings
Wrath by John Gwynne


Spoiler Free to start off:

An absolutely perfect ending. And I don't mean everything was packed up and sealed with a bow kind of perfect. This story, these characters, the incredible saga that is the Faithful and the Fallen had the best ending of a book in my recent memory. So realistic, incredibly well thought out, and executed.

I loved the characters. They were incredible and there was a TON of character development throughout this series. This particular book did not have as much, but ultimately I did not expect as much as the characters had already been developed quite a bit throughout the first 3 books.

This was an action packed, intense, apocalyptic plot that still made time for the intimate moments that make characters matter and the stakes seem even higher.


Totally called the Jotun Giants coming in and saving the day....just sayin.

Storm...and her cubs, were amazing. Every time Storm howled I got goosebumps and shivered because it was about to go down! I've never been so attached to an animal in a story before.

Coralen and Cywen were amazing and BA as usual.

Gar.....you're the man. Rest in peace.

Maquin I would say had the best character arc besides Corban and definitely the most shocking character arc. The very definition of beastmode.

I was so, so happy when Lykos died. Like more than any other death. Calidus' death was also fitting and very satisfying, but man did I hate Lykos.

Corban. What a story. What a beautiful, inspiring tale of a boy who was forced into a role of authority he did not want and became the man that the world needed him to be. I love the intimate friendships that Corban has with his friends, his mentors, and his brothers in arms. Also, that speech before the Battle of Drassil, killing Sumur and Calidus, and then freaking dragging Calidus to the soul eater in the Otherworld. Utter perfection.

This was the best book of the series. It had a few minor imperfections. I was not a big fan of Haelen's POV(kinda boring) and Rafe's POV(just didnt care about him, wish he would have died in the first or 2nd book because he was not a good villain, just a childish bully that had no character arc), but the other POV's more than made up for them. The plot was still slightly predictable (though not as much as the other books in the series) and it took some twists and turns that I didnt see coming.

It was an incredibly well balanced, perfect paced book. It kept me turning the pages until the very end. Well done John Gwynne. I look forward to returning to the Banished Lands with "Of Blood and Bone."