A review by rowdya22
Peace Talks by Jim Butcher


Harry Dresden. Father. Is putting his life back together. He has an apartment with Maggie and Luna the spirit of intellect. Harry and Murphy have been dating and she is still in recovery from her fight with Nicodemus. Mab trades some favors with Laura Wraith and Harry has to fulfill two requests for her.
While heading home one night Harry sees that his apartment building is on fire. While everyone is safe there are some awkward moments when his building security realizes that he upgraded their standard magical defenses to some thing of a fortress. Harry takes Maggie to Michael’s until things cool down. We find out that Thomas has been accused of trying to assassinate the Svart Elf head of state and was captured in the attempt. Thomas asks Harry to watch over Justine who is pregnant!
While returning from Justine’s apartment to find out if she is safe Harry is confronted by his grandfather Ebeneezer McCoy. McCoy cannot stand vampires in anyway and orders Harry to back down who refuses. While arguing the two are attacked by corner hounds. Outsider demons. they are able to fight them off thanks to Harry being star born but are in quite the argument. Harry returns to Michael’s to find that Sonia is in town. He and Butters are training and we find out some interesting things about Butters sword. Namely that it is purely a spiritual weapon and has a hard time affecting mortals.
Harry and the white council go to a peace talk conference with Fomor. Harry and Laura use the conference as a distraction to break Thomas out of the holding cells. Come to find out he is being held in Harry’s old lab. On their way out the Fomor embassy arrives. In from of the most powerful figures and heads of state that have signed the accords throw Mab through a building. Declare war on humans and destroy some of the most powerful magical defenses we have yet seen....
Harry sets off to Demon Reach and imprisons Thomas to keep his safe. Laura attacks Harry as he didn’t fill her in on that part of the plan. Harry takes advantage of the island and causes a stalemate until he can explain.
They all set off back to Chicago to try and save the world.