A review by brideofchucky
The Traitor Queen by Danielle L. Jensen


1. lara my beloved
2. sarhina my beloved luv her being protective of lara like EXACTLY respect her
3. aren my beloved
4. the pov switch between aren and lara please i EAT IT UP EVERY SINGLE TIME like i am at the edge of my seat not a even a moment where i got bored
5. the saving aren mission trope >>>>
6. “Lara made a mistake,” she said wearily. “If she’d trusted you with the whole truth, none of this would’ve come to pass. But please understand that her coming to trust you at all is nothing short of miraculous. She’s as much a victim of my father’s machinations as you and Ithicana. Though unlike you, she isn’t willing to let him win. Lara remains Queen of Ithicana even if you’ve given up on being its king.” Byeeee my mouth dropped. gagged
7. Zarrah gave a slow nod, and in her eyes, he saw a dream fading away. Not just one for her country, but one for herself. “Some things are worth dying for.” Rising to her feet, she said, “Pack your things. We sail for Nerastis tonight." OMG