A review by lexisbookishburrow
Cabbage by C. S. Fritz


<b> Story summary: </b>

Thomas’s wife Rosemary is at the end of her battle with cancer and he builds her a beautiful garden for her to enjoy. After an accidental spill the garden seems to come alive and starts granting Rosemary’s wishes each day. 

<b> My thoughts: </b>

This was a quick read, only taking about half an hour to finish and I enjoyed it for the most part. I liked the story and the chapter art was super cool. I’m always a sucker for art in novels and this one was well done. I love how cabbages were incorporated in each one. While I liked the art, I wasn’t a fan of the poems that followed after every chapter. They didn’t feel like they fit the story and seemed more like it took away from it. Also there were SO many similes in this short story. And look, I get it. It’s a short novel but with how excessive it was it didn’t make the story flow well. But every paragraph and almost simile after simile with no breaks? I ended up getting annoyed. 

The story itself was good, though predictable, but the usage of the garden and the details on the vegetable beings was creative and unique. I enjoyed the story overall and it made for a nice quick read.