A review by ashhiatt
The Paladin Prophecy by Mark Frost


Ugggghhh I hate writing these kinds of reviews. You know - the ones where you didn't really like the book, found a ton of problems with it, had to put it down multiple times so it took you forever to finish it, but then the end still makes you read the next one?

Yeah, that's what Paladin Prophecy was for me. I think the plot is interesting, but the actual writing frustrated me. The dialogue seemed...off. I don't know any other way to put it. And the way the story unfolded was many times hard to follow. I was also a bit off-put by the naming of the "otherwordly" elements, many of them seem so trite. (Never-was? Come on.)

I love young adult fantasy/dystopian-type novels. I feel like oftentimes there's real truth there about growing up, becoming who you're meant to be, experiencing all the bumps and bruises we all experience on the way to growing up. I just...I don't know. I really, REALLY wanted to like this book, and I found myself only reading it when I was desperate and had nothing else to read. And that's not a good sign.

In all fairness though, I am interested to see which direction the story will take, and I will most likely purchase then next book so I couldn't in good conscience give it less than 3 stars. But really, more like a 2.5.

I think Frost might be better suited with an editor more adept at tightening up storylines.