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A review by aritrigupta
The Silent Corner by Dean Koontz


Well, that was a waste of my time.
I have friends, booknerds, who would swear by [a:Dean Koontz|9355|Dean Koontz|], and to them I say, Why Tho?
I gather from the negative reviews, that this was not the best book to pick up in order to judge the author, but well, I liked nothing in this. Not Jane Hawk. Not mind-controlled rayshaws. Nothing.
Honestly, at no point did the story improve, or the characters seemed to be remotely interesting. Just oodles of how beautiful Jane is, and the multitude of chases that she was involved in made up 90% of the book. And the rest was not interesting anyway.
The rating, the plot, all seemed to indicate it was to be quite a thriller, but it fell flat on its face and never got up.