A review by moominlove
No One Is Talking About This by Patricia Lockwood


interesting book. i haven't read anything like it before and would like to find more like it. the author is very funny. sometimes it was hard for me to read because it sometimes felt like poetry, but I like the way it's structured. the book is split in two parts - the first half is about the absurd lives we live consumed by the internet (the portal) and the second half is about navigating real life outside the portal when you're confronted with a very real, very human experience, in this case it's her late niece's disability and consequent passing. This book is both a reminder to touch grass and an examination of what the fuck that even means anymore - everything offline feels saturated with online speak, online references, connections to each other through the Portal. memes!! it all feels so incredibly silly and pointless when you're out there in the Real World going through the worst thing imaginable. yet, you still feel compelled to doomscroll and look at Jason Momoa thirst traps. what a weird world we live in.

i liked this book