A review by thelilbookwitch
Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell


True rating: 2.5 stars, I didn't enjoy it enough to round up...

Luck luster.

Take your pick, all three adjectives apply.

The art, character design, and coloring saved this from a no-star, but the shallow characters, lack luster plot, and underwhelming romance made me feel like this graphic novel was given way more hype than it deserved unfortunately.

I've read fluff, I've read escapist lit, I've read romance. I've even read escapist fluff romance, and this missed the mark for me in all three areas. I think Rowell needed a bit more guidance for her first comic. The majority of the plot could have been done in a montage and then given us a much more well-developed story. In the author's note, Rowell mentioned wanting to keep this story light and joyful.

"Light" reading doesn't have to mean "lacking in depth," and I dislike that I feel capable of critiquing this so harshly (and almost easily) because of how it missed the mark so much. As for "joyful" it didn't feel anything close to that either.

I finished this graphic novel in about 30 minutes, but I won't be going back for a reread. I can see some of my kids liking this story, but it didn't have enough flavor for me.