A review by josiahdegraaf
The Fruitful Life by Jerry Bridges


Practical and convicting book about what living out the Fruit of the Spirit looks like. I did feel at times like Bridges came off too strong and without enough nuance (such as when he suggested that "wearing a gloomy countenance" was akin to "practical atheism." Yet, while joy is to be commended, even Christ had times when he was overcome with gloom and sadness. Being sad can be sinful depending on the cause--but it doesn't have to be!)

I did appreciate most of this book, though--and was convicted at several points about how I ought to be living. The final chapter, when he talked about how to rely on the Spirit and how to feed the desire to live the fruit of the Spirit out in our lives was probably my favorite.

Rating: 3.5-4 Stars (Good).