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A review by themoonwholistens
Nevernight by Jay Kristoff
[ april 7 2021 + nov 25 2021 update: this is a problematic author and this review reflects my feelings for the book and not the author. my review will be kept as it is but reading this book is up to you. if you want more context on what happened, search "Jay Kristoff" on twitter and you will be presented with a wealth of information. we do not tolerate the albinism/BIPOC treatment in this household... nor his problematicness against BIPOC as a BIPOC myself. *sighs* disappointing ]
FORMAT READ: Audiobook (recommended) & eBook
SIMILAR VIBES: Ace of Shades, Scythe, Mistborn, The Grisha Trilogy
READ FOR: AN ASSASSIN SCHOOL (need I say more?), badass heroine, emotional punches, dark but still has humor, ‘Mister Kindly’
READING LEVEL: Level 3-4 out of 5
*All of my reviews are as spoiler-free as possible unless states otherwise*
I have not felt emotion like this since The Infernal Devices... I have now officially forgiven Jay Kristoff for the disappointment that is Aurora Rising.
UPDATE: It's been about 10 hours since I finished the book and I can't stop thinking about this book!! I tear up every time I think about it and how good this was for me :') I'm not even exaggerating...
My birthday wishlist: my very own not-so cat please (complete with sarcasm and snarkiness)
Oh my gosh AM I IN LOVE with the narration…
It’s like Harry Potter…. but ASSASSINS. HOW COOL IS THAT???

Honorable mention: that might have been the best prologue I have read in my life. If you finished the book and read the prologue again… you’re lying to me if you say your heart didn’t at least clench. That epilogue also killed me (you know what I'm talking about if you read it) and that's the part that I actually bawled my eyes out.
PLOT: ✦✦✦✦✦
This book made me giggle and laugh to myself in more parts than one… AND I DID NOT expect that coming from a dark and heavy book for some reason.. ??? I was really glad that I was open to this though <3
I had no idea where the story was going THE WHOLE TIME. If you’re here for the Assassin School plot (like me) it doesn’t really get there until about the 20% mark but just be patient.
WRITING STYLE: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ (all the stars I can give it)
It gave me shivers (especially when she named Mister Kindly, there’s something kind of dark about it but I love it) and the timing of everything seemed perfect. Jay Kristoff knew when to hit with the perfect plot points to keep you turning the page. I appreciated that there was humor to balance all the dark and shiver-worthy parts of the book. I felt like I was on the edge of my seat all throughout. I was so invested in the plot, the characters (yes, all of them, 100% in love), the humor and darkness… It was such a nice blend of elements people. I was shooketh.

WORLD BUILDING: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ (especially considering the effort and thought that was put into those footnotes)
The world building is so. in. depth. This is another one of those books that takes it’s time but it got me so H-O-O-K-E-D. It’s such an interesting and intriguing read. The world building is done SO. WELL. I feel like I was learning to be an assassin too hehe
And don’t worry… the start isn’t boring just because the assassin school plot hasn’t begun. It builds on Mia’s character first which makes you absolutely invested in her. I want my very own Mister Kindly. AND CAN I JUST SAY I LOVE HER DYNAMIC WITH TRIC… I’m just putting it out there.. I love them.. don’t fight me on this.
READ THIS SPOILER if you've finished the book:
That part after they spent the night together and no nightmares came to Mia was so deep for me. It spoke a lot about what, not necessarily Tric, but just having a person there that she trusts can chase the nightmares she’s had for so long away. I didn't want to accept his death until that epilogue scene when it sunk in and I just couldn't hold it in anymore.

THEMES: ✦✦✦✦✧
if I start talking about what this book is really about I'm going to cry all over again so it's better to just leave you to it and your own comprehension.
PACING: ✦✦✦✦✦
*kisses fingers* perfecto
If you need me… I’ll be at Godsgrave…

NOTE: I recommend the Audiobook of this if you listen to Audiobooks because it is so great !!!! Especially for the battle scenes. If you don’t usually listen to Audiobooks I still recommend you listen to this, especially if you have a hard time with High Fantasy. This one was performed wonderfully and did a great job keeping my focus. But I do recommend that you keep an eBook copy on you so that you can follow the change in timelines in the beginning and the footnotes so that it doesn’t get confusing.
“The books we love, they love us back. And just as we mark our places in the pages, those pages leave their marks on us. I can see it in you, sure as I see it in me. You're a daughter of the words. A girl with a story to tell.”
FORMAT READ: Audiobook (recommended) & eBook
SIMILAR VIBES: Ace of Shades, Scythe, Mistborn, The Grisha Trilogy
READ FOR: AN ASSASSIN SCHOOL (need I say more?), badass heroine, emotional punches, dark but still has humor, ‘Mister Kindly’
READING LEVEL: Level 3-4 out of 5
*All of my reviews are as spoiler-free as possible unless states otherwise*
I have not felt emotion like this since The Infernal Devices... I have now officially forgiven Jay Kristoff for the disappointment that is Aurora Rising.
UPDATE: It's been about 10 hours since I finished the book and I can't stop thinking about this book!! I tear up every time I think about it and how good this was for me :') I'm not even exaggerating...
My birthday wishlist: my very own not-so cat please (complete with sarcasm and snarkiness)
“The last thing you will ever be in this world, girl, is someone’s hero. But you will be a girl heroes fear.”
Oh my gosh AM I IN LOVE with the narration…
It’s like Harry Potter…. but ASSASSINS. HOW COOL IS THAT???

Honorable mention: that might have been the best prologue I have read in my life. If you finished the book and read the prologue again… you’re lying to me if you say your heart didn’t at least clench. That epilogue also killed me (you know what I'm talking about if you read it) and that's the part that I actually bawled my eyes out.
PLOT: ✦✦✦✦✦
This book made me giggle and laugh to myself in more parts than one… AND I DID NOT expect that coming from a dark and heavy book for some reason.. ??? I was really glad that I was open to this though <3
“Your mind will serve you better than any trinket under the suns...It is a weapon...and like any weapon, you need practice to be any good at wielding it.”
I had no idea where the story was going THE WHOLE TIME. If you’re here for the Assassin School plot (like me) it doesn’t really get there until about the 20% mark but just be patient.
WRITING STYLE: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ (all the stars I can give it)
It gave me shivers (especially when she named Mister Kindly, there’s something kind of dark about it but I love it) and the timing of everything seemed perfect. Jay Kristoff knew when to hit with the perfect plot points to keep you turning the page. I appreciated that there was humor to balance all the dark and shiver-worthy parts of the book. I felt like I was on the edge of my seat all throughout. I was so invested in the plot, the characters (yes, all of them, 100% in love), the humor and darkness… It was such a nice blend of elements people. I was shooketh.

WORLD BUILDING: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ (especially considering the effort and thought that was put into those footnotes)
The world building is so. in. depth. This is another one of those books that takes it’s time but it got me so H-O-O-K-E-D. It’s such an interesting and intriguing read. The world building is done SO. WELL. I feel like I was learning to be an assassin too hehe
And don’t worry… the start isn’t boring just because the assassin school plot hasn’t begun. It builds on Mia’s character first which makes you absolutely invested in her. I want my very own Mister Kindly. AND CAN I JUST SAY I LOVE HER DYNAMIC WITH TRIC… I’m just putting it out there.. I love them.. don’t fight me on this.
READ THIS SPOILER if you've finished the book:
Ah yes.. I love it when people die. HEAR ME OUT OKAY. It was done in the right parts and puts the focus on the characters while still sticking to the mood of the story. UPDATE: I wrote this before Tric died and oh boy did I cry so hard at that epilogue scene when she told the guy to tell Tric that she misses him. And Tric's death is the one that ultimately crushed me because he didn't die fighting for his life or anything. He died defenseless and just because he would be able to sense (smell) the poison.That part after they spent the night together and no nightmares came to Mia was so deep for me. It spoke a lot about what, not necessarily Tric, but just having a person there that she trusts can chase the nightmares she’s had for so long away. I didn't want to accept his death until that epilogue scene when it sunk in and I just couldn't hold it in anymore.
”This is a dark road we walk, Mia.”
“Then we walk it together,”

THEMES: ✦✦✦✦✧
if I start talking about what this book is really about I'm going to cry all over again so it's better to just leave you to it and your own comprehension.
PACING: ✦✦✦✦✦
*kisses fingers* perfecto
If you need me… I’ll be at Godsgrave…
”Too many books,”
“Too few centuries.”

NOTE: I recommend the Audiobook of this if you listen to Audiobooks because it is so great !!!! Especially for the battle scenes. If you don’t usually listen to Audiobooks I still recommend you listen to this, especially if you have a hard time with High Fantasy. This one was performed wonderfully and did a great job keeping my focus. But I do recommend that you keep an eBook copy on you so that you can follow the change in timelines in the beginning and the footnotes so that it doesn’t get confusing.