A review by sofibatt
101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think by Brianna Wiest


DNF. I stopped at “essay” #7 where she began talking about how we should use our past to “evolve” instead be haunted by it. She then went on to acknowledge that she wasn’t trying to “gloss over” trauma, but then immediately counteracted that with how we should be able to “recall them with acceptance”.

Sorry, no. As a domestic violence survivor and advocate and a sexual assault survivor, stay away from people who tell you to just “accept” your trauma. This is not a book for people who are expecting a trauma-informed, educated individual to reflect on evidence-based psychology. Rather, these “essays” read as platitudes from someone with little depth and an excess of judgment without foundation. From what I’ve read in this book, it has mediocre ideas at best and harmful ways at worst.