A review by rorasreading
The Resurrection of Wildflowers by Micalea Smeltzer


How I'm able to write this while sobbing my eyes out I'll never know.

This duet took a lot out of me and I wouldn't want it any other way. This book is the PERFECT ending to Salem and Thayers story. Its so raw and emotional and Micalea's words have reached a different part of my brain. I'll forever remember these characters, the love they share, and everything they endured to finally get their happily ever after. Salem and Thayer's relationship had me in tears while simultaneously in pain from smiling so hard. They never stopped loving each other no matter what came their way or how far apart they were. Their story is not perfect, not even close but it's real and it's beautiful and that's the best part. This duet is a reminder to everyone that life is painful and hard, but at the end of the day it's still worth it. In all my tears and sobbing, it's clear that this is a book of hope and unconditional love. Salem's character on her own is enough to make me love this duet. She's strong and fierce and willing to do anything for her loved ones despite everything she has lost. She isn't perfect, she makes a lot of mistakes but so does everyone else. Don't even get me started on Thayer because THAT MAN my god why is he not real. He would do and did do everything for Salem. Both Thayer and Salem lose so much, it's hard to imagine how they keep going, but they do. They find it in each other to keep living, to keep thriving and growing with the resilience of wildflowers.  I could talk about this book for hours and hours so let's just end it at, please if you can handle the content go read these books. Micalea is now one of my favorite authors of all time and this is now the best duet I've ever read.

Tropes in this duet
- Grumpy/sunshine
- age gap
- groveling
- second chance

Triggers: *please look up more but there are the ones I can remember*
- Drowning, cancer, domestic abuse, child abuse

Just a few things Thayer does:
- Wakes up at 5am everyday to make sure Salem is safe while running
- Builds her a gym in his house just for her to use
- Grows an entire greenhouse of peonies (her fav flower)
- Clearly this man is high on my list of book bfs