A review by colleens_conclusions
If I Never Met You by Mhairi McFarlane


If I never met you was actually the first book I read by this author. I think I had a hard time getting into this book when I first got it so I put it down for a few months and finally got back into it in February.

I really liked the main character, I thought she had a good attitude about life despite what had happened to her. I liked the ending how there was some redemption, but I don’t want to spoil the book too much by talking about what happened here.

I don’t think I am a fan of the fake dating relationships in adult romance fiction, that seems like that would be best left in the young adult genre. The plot wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t my favorite plot for this genre.

This book was still written well and I liked the characters. I think readers will definitely enjoy it. I always love it when covers are purple, they always draw me in since purple is my favorite color. This was a three star rating. This means it was still good, but had potential to be better. A three star rating does not mean the book was bad.

This was given to me by Netgalley and the publishers. This had no impact on my thoughts, my thoughts are my own. Thank you for giving me the chance to read it!