A review by bookishmadhatter
Perfect Prey by Helen Sarah Fields


While I can appreciate some of the writing and the storyline of this book, I found myself irritated, frustrated, and wanting to get on with it more often than not.

Ava completely ruined this book for me, so much so that I wanted to skip over her parts and found myself almost dreading her popping up in scenes she wasn't in. She went from a great and strong character in book one to a total twat in this book, ignoring Callanach (who's supposed to be a friend of hers) and getting angry with or shouting at him whenever he showed concern for her or wanted to know something, but expected him to bend to her will when she said so and tell her everything about everything when she wouldn't tell him a thing. She was so bad that I am questioning my desire to continue the series since I know she is a part of its entirety. I'm also pretty over it with all the 'dancing around romance between work partners' elements authors throw into stories. These characters are adults, open your mouth and communicate like it or get over it.

The actual murder story with its gore and over the top staging was fine with me, and if Ava's hissy fits and rude/annoying behavior weren't a part of it, I would have enjoyed the book a lot more.
There were parts that dragged on and on a little and I just wanted them to be over with already, but if you got rid of Ava it could have been a pretty great story I think.