A review by bobsvoid
Text 2 Lovers by J.D. Hollyfield, K Webster


Here’s a disclaimer saying that I don’t think it’s possible for me to be kind when writing this review. What this means is I may or may not rip this book a new ass.

The problems:
- The way the authors handled depression. It was used merely as a plot driven aspect. You do not use depression to further your story. They didn’t even attempt to accurately portray it. It was “Oh poor Ram. His girl left and he’s sad, but she’s back and he’s better.” I’m actually really upset because depression affects so many people, the least they could’ve down is research it.
- Andie. Girl is a side character and I still felt like she negatively affected the book. She was borderline abusive. The epilogue made zero sense and reaffirmed that she’s a major ass.
- There was no thought to the story. It was all just thrown together with no actual growth. It was insta love, insta attraction, petty problems, etc.
- MISCOMMUNICATION IS SUCH A STUPID TROPE. Adults in healthy relationships know that you have to communicate. The whole conflict (which was dumb and lasted probably 10 pages?) was based off of miscommunication.

I honestly thought this book had the potential to be four stars in the beginning. I’m actually thinking about throwing my iPad because this was so ridiculously bad it’s absurd.