A review by booksandbraids
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling



December 2013- Sirius =(


Watching Movie AGAIN... July 2014- All I can think is WHERE IS PEEVES! There is so much in the books that I love that they don't show in the movie and I really want to re-read the books so I can re-experience those book-only moments!


August 2020: Audiobook

During this re-reading, I had a realization during the part of the book where they were preparing to take their O.W.L.s. Now that I’ve taken PhD comprehensive exams I have a whole new appreciation for what they are going through studying for their exams. O.W.L.s are basically the comps of the wizarding world. Having to review 5 years worth of everything you have learned for a week-long exam process... terrible.


November 2023: Audiobook

I’ve officially started my book annotation journey. I did some sticky note doodles for the Goblet of Fire, but this was my first time actually highlighting and making notes throughout. I did it a bit untraditionally, though. I listened to the audiobook and then went in and made highlights and comments afterwards based on what I listened to that day. Most of my “annotating” though was just transparent sticky note doodles. But they bring me joy! Overall I must say there is something satisfying about seeing all of the sticky tabs sticking out on the side. I decided to keep it simple and color code my tabs, but not to bother with color coding the highlighting- I figured that would get too complicated if I continue to add to it reread after reread. 

My tab descriptions are 
Love this! = dark blue
Angry/sad = blueish gray
Random thoughts = blueish green
Doodles = light blue 

I still have my commentary below. Most of which I copied into the book. There are also ideas for additional doodles that I didn’t get to, for whenever I just feel like doodling in between reads. 

- Book Mrs. fig is so much better 😂
- I forgot to note it at the time, but poor Ron with everyone not believing that HE would be made prefect. I’ve realized that they completely leave this aspect of the book out of the movies. I saw a post on Reddit describing why that is so unfortunate. I cannot word it any better so I am going to copy what The_Clockwork_Monk said below…
- At first, this seems like a very obvious thing to cut when you're crunched for time. It doesn't affect the main plot at all, and you don't have to worry about non-British audiences not knowing what a prefect is and what they do.
- However, while this doesn't affect anything from a plot standpoint, it's actually huge from a character development standpoint.
- Order of the Phoenix is the first time Harry's circle really starts expanding beyond just Ron and Hermione, and that's instigated by Harry becoming slightly isolated from them when Ron and Hermione become prefects. When they leave Harry on the Hogwarts Express, Harry instead goes off with Ginny and Neville and meets Luna. At the time, you would never guess how important this scene is, but it's basically the Silver Trio's equivalent of the "Has anyone seen a toad?" scene. It's what establishes their dynamic with Harry and each other.
- But in the film, prefects aren't a thing, so instead Harry meets Luna at the carriages with Ron and Hermione, most of Ginny and Neville's lines are given to Hermione (big shock), and from that point almost all the development those two characters get is absent.
- Also, I feel like this is important for Ron as well. In the Goblet of Fire, Ron and Harry have a falling out because Ron *says* he believes that Harry put his name into the Goblet and was refusing to tell him about it. But Hermione points out that he isn’t really angry over that- he is jealous. 
- "Oh Harry, isn't it obvious?" Hermione said despairingly. "He's jealous!"
"Jealous?" Harry said incredulously. "Jealous of what? He wants to make a prat of himself in front of the whole school, does he?"
"Look," said Hermione patiently, "it's always you who gets all the attention, you know it is. I know it's not your fault," she added quickly, seeing Harry open his mouth furiously. "I know you don't ask for it . . . but -- well -- you know, Ron's got all those brothers to compete against at home, and you're his best friend, and you're really famous -- he's always shunted to one side whenever people see you, and he puts up with it, and he never mentions it, but I suppose this is just one time too many. . . ." GoF (US), p289-290
- In the movie Ron even gets a line that wasn’t in the books…
- Harry : You're being stupid. Ron : Yeah, that's me. Ron Weasley, Harry Potter's stupid friend!
- So I feel like Ron getting to be prefect is really important for his character development and self esteem. His parents get him something brand new (rather than a hand-me-down) in honor of it. And this is the one case where he gets something that Harry does not.  
- 05:22:18 (chapter 9?) I hate that this Bogart scene with Molly Weasley was cut as well. I feel like it is very impactful emotionally and demonstrates that this really is a dangerous thing that they are getting themselves into. Yes we had Cedric’s death, but this shows the ever present fear that the adults of the Order of the Phoenix are experiencing. After all, they have lived through this once before. 
- Chapter 16: I love jealous Ron. And Harry couldn’t care less :( 
- Chapter 17: TRIGGER WARNING. Vomiting skiving snack box. This is an emetophobe’s absolute nightmare. Please don’t let them include this in the TV show adaptation. 
- Chapter 18: 
- Doodle idea: bullfrog
- Doodle idea: Hedwig on top of pile of hats on Dobby’ ahead
- Dobby tells about the room of requirement in the book, rather than neville… why did they change it?! Why are all of Dobby’s services for Harry given to Neville in the movies.  
- I love when Harry tells them that he used expelliarmus against Voldemort 
- Chapter 19 
- Doodle idea: Weasley is our king badges 
- Doodle idea: Luna’s lion head
- *hermione kissed Ron’s cheek* LOVEEEE
- Honestly, I think the order of the Phoenix might be my least favorite book in the series. It certainly must be the most frustrating. I can’t fucking stand Umbridge. And malfoy! It is moments like this that make me question the sanity of anyone who ships Draco with someone else. Dramione? They are crazy. Drarry? Even crazier. 
- Chapter 21:
- Honestly Dolores and these slytherins are bullies. Absolutely fucking bullies. I can’t stand it. And for Umbridge to ask Neville who he saw die? That is fucking personal question. 
- Doodle idea: Have a very Harry Christmas decorations. Using banner stencil and stamps? 
- Chapter 22:
- Doodle idea: Kettle portkey
- Doodle idea: Red and gold Phoenix feathers
- Chapter 23:
- Neville’s mother… maybe it is because of her name, but I envision her as an older version of Alice Cullen
- Chapter 26. “At least my happiness doesn’t depend on Ron’s goalkeeping.” EXCELLENT PERSPECTIVE ON SPORTS, hermione!
- Chapter 27?
- Once again, Umbridge is nothing but a bully who gets enjoyment from being cruel. 
- I love how professors mcgonagall and Sprout  and flitwick are helping trelawney. They truly are a family here at Hogwarts
- Firenzeeee! Fuck you Dolores and your prejudice against “half breeds”
- Doodle idea: FIRENZE!!! 
- Track 27
- Why Harry doesn’t just stick to his bathroom story. He has been caught in a hallway heading to a restroom. He hasn’t been caught actively doing anything bad. It’s not a crime to be alone in a hallway before curfew. 
- You cannot deny that dumbledore has style! 
- Chapter 28
- Doodle idea: Purple bat fireworks
- Doodle idea: Glittering pink and silver winged piglet fireworks
- People always say that they want a show about the Marauders group, but I honestly think that is a terrible idea. It would make us hate Harry’s dad. 
- Honestly, if I was Harry, I feel like I would have told Snape that I finally understand why he hates me so much. That my father was awful to him. And that I’m so sorry that he treated Snape like that. And maybe. Just maybe. If Harry admitted to Snape and himself that James was a complete asshole bully to Snape and recognize that that was not okay, maybe Snape would have eased up on him. Although maybe not. Maybe no matter what Harry said, Snape would be so embarrassed that Harry saw that that nothing would make it better. 
- Harry and Ginny moment!!! 
- The cultivated fungus trade?? What does that do for wizard kind exactly. Potion ingredients? Food? 
- McGonaggel insulting Umbridge is the best 
- Chapter 32. 
- Once again. FUCK UMBRIDGE (on brown paper?)
- She is such a ducking Slytherin! How dare she use an unforgivable curse on a student!
- I completely forgot that she sent the dementors. How could I forget that?! I’ve read this how many times. SHE IS BATSHIT
- Chapter 33
- Happy tears that they are all coming to his rescue 😭
- You better hope it stays invisible
- Chapter 35
- Doodle idea: Hall of prophecies perspective drawing sketch in pencil directly in margins
- Chapter 37
- Phineus not believing that Sirius is dead is where I broke this time. Actually tears.