A review by allthatissim
To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo



Guys! This book was so amazing I can’t even! It was brilliant. I haven’t read many fantasy books (in fact I haven’t read many books, lol) but this was like straight from a movie. If you have watched and loved Pirates of Carribean, then it’s for sure that you would love this book. It has Pirates, sirens, mermaids, mermen, kings & queens, kingdoms. What else do you need for a perfect story? 😀

Lira is a deadly siren princess who has a ruthless mother known as the Sea Queen. Lira is known as Princes’ Bane. Her mother teaches her to gain the power of kingdoms by stealing the heart of princes of those kingdoms. Lira is seventeen and she has seventeen hearts buried in her possession. When she kills the eighteenth prince one month before her actual birthday, the Sea Queen was enraged and punished her by transforming her into a human and giving him an impossible task of bringing the heart of Prince Elian.

Prince Elian is the heir to the throne of Midas, the gold city, but he didn’t enjoy living that life. Instead, he lives like a pirate and is a siren killer. When he saves Lira from drowning in the middle of the sea, he didn’t suspect that she is a siren. Elian agreed to let Lira live on his ship because she confirmed that she has a crucial information about the Crystal of Keto, which is the only thing that can kill the Sea Queen. But can Elian really trust a siren? What will happen when he and his crew would find out the real identity of Lira?

The world-building was amazing. From the first page itself, the story would keep you hooked and it flows so smoothly that you would find yourself totally immersed in it. The story unfolds naturally. And [a:Alexandra Christo|14684499|Alexandra Christo|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1520622199p2/14684499.jpg]'s writing is so strong and wonderful that you won’t feel anything lacking. She has perfectly described all the kingdoms mentioned in the story and all the fight scenes perfectly. The descriptions are in a way that it doesn’t feel over the top. It is in the exact amount needed for the story and thus, in turn, makes it more enjoyable.

The story has dual POVs. It switches between Lira and Elian which makes the overall premise more interesting as it helps us to understand both the characters in a better way. While the story progresses, it was enjoyable to see how slowly their opinions of each other changed with the time.

Lira and Elian definitely have become one of my favourite OTP. Their romance was SLOW-BURN. Now, who doesn’t like a slow-burn romance? They are just perfect. Lira and Elian started as enemies who hated each other in the beginning and never trusted each other. Even Elian’s crew hated Lira. I enjoyed whenever Lira was threatening Elian (as Elian didn’t know her real identity) as those scenes were hilarious. When they were bickering each other, they were even more adorable.

This book was full of side characters. You would love each of them. Elian’s crew is wonderful. Kye is like Elian’s bodyguard. He is always protective towards Elian. My favourite was, however, Madrid. You’ll definitely love her. She is a strong representation of #GirlPower. She was welcoming of Lira from the beginning. She wanted more girls in her squad, so when Lira appears, she was friendly and supportive to her in spite of Kye hating Lira. The Sea Queen was truly dangerous. She had tentacles and a powerful trident. She treated her daughter like mere nothing. She had no love for her daughter and she confirmed this when she transformed her daughter to a human. She just wanted more power regardless of who and who brings it to her.

This story has the perfect ending. The fight scenes, in the end, were perfect and I was feeling as if I was watching a movie throughout. I had a few questions throughout the story but I loved how all of it was nicely packed towards the end. There were no questions unanswered, yet it left me wanting to read a sequel because it was so AMAZING!

Overall, this book was amazing and it left me for wanting a sequel. Everything about the story was incredible. [a:Alexandra Christo|14684499|Alexandra Christo|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1520622199p2/14684499.jpg] has created a wonderful and powerful world great storyline and lovely characters. Lira and Elian are definitely my new OTP. If you love a good fantasy book, then definitely read this.

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