*from notion archive* Lesbians! I love them! They are so damn cute... and infuriating, like these idiots justified their kissing as research, idiots. Right now a proper review I loved this. I was terrified when I saw quite how big this book is. Like its over 400 pages! Chonky But it was good I liked the intricacy of all the plot lines, the way they weaved together made sense at the end. Charecters. For once I actually liked our lead character perhaps because she's gay, more likely because she is traumatised. Like in a relatable way Wes was of course my favourite, love me a back-chatting ex-rich boy Also Isaiah deserves all my respect for waiting for him for so damn long There were so many little moments that hit me right in the feels like Autumn giving Jane her fav bagel and coffee every day Ive underlined all my favourite bits Also isn't it weird how this is the 3rd book Ive read about gay characters on a train with references to power outages??? creepy