A review by youarecool
Top 10 Games You Can Play in Your Head, by Yourself by D.F. Lovett, Sam Gorski

adventurous funny lighthearted fast-paced


A lot of love was put into this odd and entertaining little book. The apocryphal conceit: the "editors" found six volumes of "J. Theophrastus Bartholomew's Games You Can Play In Your Head, By Yourself" at a yard sale and knew they must share them with the world.

It's a guide to a certain kind of simple storytelling - the straightforward American-centric adventure story. Draws from old school D & D with some original scenarios but certainly all the classics, classic yuk-yuk sense of irony, classic Eurocentric lack of cultural sensitivity, and no hidden meanings except those you create as you play. (Admittedly less sexist, but do all the lady villains have to be black widows?).

Still, they get your mind going, no digital apparatus needed, and much of the humor lands well. The trucker scenario is inspired and brings the interpersonal drama like no other (a few headings after "You Hometown Family," there is "Your Other Family"), and don't miss the Appendix, "The Stories of Those Who Played Before You," a collection of entertaining quotes from playtesters (possibly real, possibly manufactured for laffs). Some of the scenarios, like the opening Sanctuary exercise and the end of the Space story, could even be used as self-guided meditations... Or maybe that's just the way I played those games in my head.

Dungeon - Logistics-themed Scenarios:
-Too Many Slaves
-We Ran Out Of Slaves

Ghost-themed Scenarios
-Who's Moaning?

"Why am I by myself, in my own head?"