A review by alina_hookedon_books
The Honey-Don't List by Christina Lauren


*Received an early digital review copy for an honesty review*

So I've read other Christina Lauren novels and have mostly enjoyed them so I was looking forward to reading this one, but sadly this fell flat to me. First the concept reminded me of the Netflix film Set It Up which I really love (and recommend watching if you like the assistant trope) but this novel felt more like the assistants being the nannies/ children of divorce parents and I just couldn't stand it and push through this read. At first I didn't really see the connection between the two assistants, Carey and James, it didn't feel like a true match to me and a bit forced because of proximity and situation. The two bosses Melissa and Rusty were just annoying and honestly a bit emotionally abusive and sometime physically violent which I felt was glossed over as just like regular "fighting married couple" and it just didn't sit well with me, especially when Melissa, the power hunger business woman, was just horrible didn't really change or didn't receive much consequences from her actions. (Also, don't really get how the title played into the story). Overall, this romance novel was just okay and the romance itself was just okay.