A review by kilkilshah
Deep South: Four Seasons on Back Roads by Paul Theroux


Haven't come across a lot of books that focus on the "Deep South". Overall this book was pretty good. I had one major problem though - the author made it seem like the Deep South can be boiled down to four things: church, racism, poverty, and guns. These themes were emphasized in basically every interaction he had but still seeemed superficial and repetative. For example everywhere he went he would ask a white person where the black people are or vice versa. Near the end of the book he actually seeemed to dig into the issues a little more. For example his discussion with Arkansas farmers about how they are discriminated in the banking system was very informative and eye-opening.

The times he did stray from these four topics were refreshing and I would have like to see a little more of it. Overall though the people he came across and his descriptions of the interactions were really interesting.