A review by rebeccazh
Crown of Stars by Kate Elliott

As the books progressed, I read less and skimmed more... I love Kate Elliott's books ([b:Black Wolves|20980680|Black Wolves (Black Wolves, #1)|Kate Elliott|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1418186294s/20980680.jpg|40357908], [b:Cold Magic|7114825|Cold Magic (Spiritwalker, #1)|Kate Elliott|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1323994929s/7114825.jpg|7374960], etc) so I am reading her older books and well... I guess every author has to start somewhere, and this series is kinda weak. I'm leery/skeptical of any series that goes beyond three books (except Kate Daniels), because it starts getting bloated and lackluster... and this series felt like that as it moved on.

I did enjoy the first book though. It seemed like a pretty solid/promising start. But I think as the series progressed and the scope expanded, I started to lose investment. It takes effort for me to become interested when there are three or more narrating characters. Still, it's interesting to see the earlier Kate Elliott books.