A review by whatellisreadnext
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood


'Truly amazing, what people can get used to, aslong as there are a few compensations.'
The government has been overthrown and the remaining fertile women are to bear children for the most powerful men. The story centres around the life of Olfred, a Handmaid, before and after the change.
I can't believe this book was published almost 35 years ago, it felt as if it could have been released yesterday. The whole thing felt somewhat possible now. It was terrifying and engrossing. I wanted to know what would happen to Olfred but also how her new life, as a Handmaid, came to be. Atwood's prose cleverly switches between past and present, as the main protagonist's mind drifts away to her former life. The ending left me gobsmacked and now I feel the need to go and buy The Testaments immediately. I don't know how some of you have waited 30+ years for a sequel!!!!!
Highly recommend this to everyone, and I definitely need to read more Atwood.