A review by maigahannatu
Minimalism: The Path to an Organized, Stress-free and Decluttered Life by Gwyneth Snow


There were some helpful things in this book and I found the chapter on minimalizing social media and internet use especially helpful. I think I must be pretty minimal already because pretty much every thing she suggests, I've already done. I'm not sure I'm ready to go down to 10 outfits, but I do wear every single thing in my closet and my closet is very small, so I don't feel like my clothes are out of control. I use every pan and utensil in my kitchen. I do have way more books than any true minimalist would have!
The book was written well enough, but needed another edit. There are so many errors in the book with wrong words being used, misplaced words, etc.
Also, as a Christian, I just want to add that this is not a Christian book, but that I really believe that it is compatible with biblical principles (her encouragements to Eastern mysticism aside). Believers should really be leading the way in living simple lives. I do not agree with her slant on minimalizing your friendships....just get rid of all the negative people. As believers I don't think that that is what God calls us to do. I think he wants us to love and encourage the difficult people in our lives (I'm not talking about abusive people, just difficult people).