A review by isabellarobinson7
Doctor Who: Origin Stories by Dave Rudden, Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé, Emma Norry, Katy Manning, Mark Griffiths, Jasbinder Bilan, Temi Oh, Sophie Aldred


Rating: 2 stars

Step 1: A young companion is doing normal life things
Step 2: They encounter something weird and then see the Doctor
Step 3: The Doctor and baby companion do something brief and solve the alien problem
Step 4: The Doctor then says "bye" and wipes companions mind before TARDIS-ing away
Step 5: Companion back in normal life with random thought about what happened, but then shrugs and continues on.

And again. And again. And again. It got tiresome. And incredibly predictable. Some of the stories were different and therefore good, but mostly I was bored and frustrated at the wash rinse repeat structure.