A review by pandaintheshelves
Can't Help Falling in Love by Libby Waterford


What I liked:

- Nurturing MMC
- Realistic background and conflicts
- Opposites attract
- Short chapters
- Dual POV

What I disliked:

- Instalove, so, I knew from the first few pages it wasn't for me. But I kept reading anyways, so, that's entirely my responsibility. 

- The MMC POV. It's a bit confusing to read. The attempt at representation was nice, but the execution was not ideal

- The smut has some moments like this one 

I feel it like an electric shock through my system. His mouth is the defibrillator and he’s shocking my heart back online.

Like, girl, if it feels like a kick to the chest (the most accurate comparison I can come for a defibrillator shock), don't know about you, but I would run. 


Maybe this will be a chill prelude to the main event of vaginal intercourse.

I beg your pardon?