A review by readingadventures
Our Dark Duet by V.E. Schwab


Holy Mother of Pearl!

First of all, I am distraught by the everythings in Our Dark Duet. It was as dark as advertised and oh so much more bloody and deadly than ALL the books by Victoria Schwab that I have ever read, but in a delicious sort of way.
Going back to the distraught part. I am in physical pain! This tiny little (beautiful and perfect ) duology made me care so freaking much about all of the characters, and I legit want to just stare at the ceiling for like... 6 hours straight because my brain does not compute and this can't be the last time I read about my babies.

Because I know that there is really nothing that I can contribute by trying to write a coherent review, let's just get to the part where I talk incoherently about my children:

- WHY CAN'T AUGUST FLYNN GET A FLYCKING BREAK??? WHY? JUST KILL ME IN THE FACE WHY DON'T YOU? August just... my child... he deserves the world and I want to cuddle him forever.

- Kate Harker was a like a HUGE surprise for me because I started This Savage Song not really liking her that much but by the end I lover her SO much, and after reading this book I have ascended to a the place where all my favorite female characters are and here she is right now... waving at me and asking where her iron spikes are... I LOVE HER.

-ILSA is the definition of looks like cinnamon roll but could actually kill you, and I was always in love with her as a character. She spoke to me at a core level and I love my sweet summer child.

-Basically I am devastated that it's over because my children have been taken away from me.

- I truly and deeply appreciate all the blood and murder. I am a huge fan of it.

- Morally Grey characters, and the blurry lines between what makes a person good or bad is something I always appreciate in books and in this one it was done so well that I want to cry!

-I have never in my life loved both main characters equally, August and Kate changed that.

- So this book was dark and sad but also full of hope. it's like Victoria Schwab went through my list of kinks and checked everything herself.

just 2 things: One, KATE AND AUGUST FOREVER! I didn't predict that they would kiss and gosh I loved it! Because ever though I LOVED their friendship, I also shipped them. Second, IT'S NOT FAIR THAT 2/3 OF MY FAVOURITE CHARACTERS ENDED UP DYING... I'M SMAD!

This is probably the best book I've read so far this year.. and it has been a really outstanding year.