A review by bibliobeth
Witch Child by Celia Rees


Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book for review.

This book was originally published in 2000, but is being reprinted with a new cover for it's 20 year anniversary this year!

In this story - written in diary format - we follow Mary. A girl who, at the beginning of this novel, witnesses her grandmother be charged with being a witch and hung. After this event, Mary flees England to start a new life in America. I have to say, this wasn't quite what I had expected going into it. I had expected witchcraft to be a big part of the story but actually it's more about following Mary on her journey to America and her life there afterwards. Around half of the story is spent travelling to America, which wasn't my favourite part to read about and felt too stretched out. Once the journey was over though, I started to enjoy it more and found it really interesting seeing the settlement get built from nothing. I also really enjoyed meeting some of the Natives, who lived on the land too.

I did find the writing to be quite basic - I feel like this book would be suited to younger readers/teens.