A review by apollo0325
You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson


"I was born royalty. All I had to do was pick up my crown."

This book was so incredibly fucking powerful that I'm still crying residual tears from finishing it. I already knew going into this book, I was going to feel a lot of Emotions, but I didn't realize how powerfully I'd feel those emotions.

Our MC, Liz, deals with so much feelings of anxiety and inadequacy, and throughout this journey, she learns that she deserves to be here too, that she deserves good things, not because of her hard work but because she's human too. It's so easy to feel like you don't deserve good things, but you do. You really do.

Johnson weaves this absolutely beautiful story of love, heartbreak, friendship, and grief, and Liz's growth and changes through this book are just... perfect.

This book was fantastic. Of course it's joining my fucking permanent collection. I AM NO FOOL!!